Wednesday, February 09, 2005

God's Definition of Beauty

Here is an excerpt from an excellent article written by Carolyn Mahaney.

We are exhorted in Romans 12:2 not to allow the world around us to squeeze us into its mold. We need to ask ourselves if we have been captivated by our culture's definition of beauty ... or God's. Do our thoughts and actions regarding our appearance reflect a cultural standard, or a biblical standard? To answer these questions honestly, we need to understand God's perspective on beauty.

Scripture reveals the falsehood and futility of the quest for physical beauty. "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting" (Pro 31:30). Charm in the Hebrew means "bodily form." Form and beauty are two things that our culture esteems and pursues with fervor, yet God exposes our pursuit of the perfect figure and beauty to be idolatrous.

A survey of physically beautiful women in the Bible supports the admonitions of Proverbs. Physical beauty in Scripture is more often linked with trouble and temptation than with blessing and goodness. Many Old Testament stories of lying, cheating, stealing, murder, adultery, and idol-worship find their roots in sinful responses to female physical beauty (E.g., the accounts of Sarah in Gen 12:11-20, Rebekah in Gen 26:7-11, and Tamar in 2Sa 13:1-20).

Nowhere in the Bible are women instructed to wish, ask, or strive for physical beauty. Instead, God's Word warns us of the futility and deceitfulness of such a pursuit. Neither does the Bible portray physical beauty as a blessing for those who have it. Instead, it can create greater potential for being snared by sin (Pro 6:23-26).

However, there is a kind of beauty that we are to pursue. First Peter 3:4-5 tells us that a woman's beauty should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

its good but clarify the concept of Beauty in much more detail.

9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is physical beauty not a blessing if God is our creator? We must remember that God made all things - flowers, fruit, sunsets, wildlife..these are all beautiful things. Why then should a woman's beauty be trivialised and associated with sinfulness?

1:08 AM  
Blogger Servant of The Most High said...

"Her natural God-given beauty and evident loveliness of spirit alone captured the heart of the king. “And the king loved Esther more than all the women" ( Esther 2:17) If God gives beauty than it's wonderful-in Proverbs He speaks of prostitutes and such ( beauty in Satan's hands is horrific, I think)Finally most importantly. We need to serve God and pray for humility, peace, joy, love because beauty fades away and the beauty of the spirit is the most beautiful and wonderful of all-and lasts forever. Glory to God. HalleluJah!

9:23 AM  
Blogger Servant of The Most High said...

Her natural God-given beauty and evident loveliness of spirit alone captured the heart of the king. “And the king loved Esther more than all the women ( Esther 2: 17) God gives it be thankful-you will be envied and hated but if God is with you whom shall be against you. You have the victory in Christ. It fades away. Beauty of the spirit is much more desirable and lasts for ever. Believers shouldn't be jealous of other people's beauty-think of it like a flower (as comment above states) Persue the beauty of spirit , mind and heart and you will have joy. Proverbs is speaking of a prostitute.If a beautiful women is modest and good-she should be admired-not hated or envied ( it's like hating something that God made (sad)Go in Peace. Blessed be The Lord Jesus HalleluJah.

9:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God wants us to look beyond what the natural eye can see.We must first remember that our ways and thoughts are not like His. That does not mean he trivializes beauty, it just means he sees something of greater importance. If we focus on what can be quickly captured will we get the whole picture? The way he sees beauty is not superficial but supernatural!

10:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beauty in itself is not evil. TRUE beauty belongs to and is God. When He created He said it was: Good. Meaning it was useful, it worked, it was pleasing etc. Beauty is not an end itself, it is meant to propel us to Him. In this culture we worship beauty, form, sensuality, etc. We have exchanged the truth for a lie. That eating the pretty fruit will actually GIVE us something. True beauty is rooted in what is true, what is good and what is real. The images of beauty today are not real; nor do they propel us to real transcendence to Christ. What is more valuable: the plain woman or the pretty woman?

11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I'm a believer and COMPLETELY disagree. Please read and comment on my blog- "Beauty: From Gods Perspective"

1:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a very ignorant blog.

This one's better

1:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Physical beauty is a gift from God. When God made woman in the old text the word fashioned is used not made or created. Women are specially fashioned by God and the gift of physical beauty should not be looked past but beauty comes in so many more ways. Beauty comes truly from the inside and who God you made you to be.

6:27 PM  
Blogger Vicki Joy Anderson said...

Dear "Lightning" - I went to your blog: as you requested, but received a "Permissions Denied" screen as your blog can only be viewed by invited readers. If you send me an invite, I would be more than happy to read your insights. Thank you for taking the time to post a comment on my blog. As you are my sister in Christ, I welcome any "iron sharpening iron" dialogue, should you wish to continue corresponding!

3:31 PM  

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